A modest soiree for the Masters Women of Cyclocross Nationals, Bend

DROP BY anytime Thursday, December 10, 6:30 p.m. - 9 p.m. McMenamins, Rambler Room.

HEAR Team LUNA Chix member Alison Dunlap speak at 7:00

FREE entry, raffle, appetizers

RAFFLE at 7:30. Must be present to win!!...see blog for crazy long list of goodies (62 prizes!).

FUN girlie stuff for sale

WEAR your team jersey and get 2 raffle tickets

MEET women who like to talk about bikes

RSVP / questions: rsvpcxingbarriers09@gmail.com

Are you a masters racer? Have you been the ONLY woman in a local race? Have you been 10 years older than any other woman on a sports team? Do you check your lipstick before the start? Yes? This is for you! Masters are tough ladies for whom sports aren’t a fad. Being competitive and active aren’t things left behind at college graduation. Career, family, life - don’t impede your dedication. You’re willing to cross barriers.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Another t-shirt!

For days Mary and I were kicking around ideas but things jelled over drinks the other night with Jen and her live-wire boyfriend Brock. IE - we were laughing our hineys off so much I looked up and realized everyone else in the restaurant had gone home. Maybe to get away from a bunch of loud crass drunks.

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